Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 6.

Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 6.
Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 6.


Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 5.

Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 5.
Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 5.


Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 4

Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 4
Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 4


Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 3

Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 3.
Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 3.


Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 2

Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 2
Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 2


Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 1.

Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 1.
Happy Makar Sankaranti photo 1.


How do the Directive Principles reflect the ideal stated in the Preamble.

Question= How do the Directive Principles reflect the ideal stated in the Preamble.
Answer= Because the government has to keep these in mind while making laws. These principles contain lofty ideas, deep human thought, belief and knowledge.
How do the Directive Principles reflect the ideal stated in the Preamble.
How do the Directive Principles reflect the ideal stated in the Preamble.


Give one example of non- justice right of the citizens.

Question= Give one example of non- justice right of the citizens.
Answer= To protect and promote the interest of weaker section of the people and in particular, of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, and to protect from the social injustice and exploitation.
Give one example of non- justice right of the citizens.
Give one example of non- justice right of the citizens.


Name one important source of Directive Principle.

Question= Name one important source of Directive Principle.
Answer= {1} The Declaration of the Right of man and citizen of revolutionary France.
Name one important source of Directive Principle.
Name one important source of Directive Principle.


What is known as Directive Principles of state policy.

Question=  What is known as Directive Principles of state policy.
Answer= The Directive Principles are the guideline to be followed by the government in the governance of the country.
 What is known as Directive Principles of state policy.
 What is known as Directive Principles of state policy.


What is know as 'Sapata - Sindhu'

Question= What is know as 'Sapata - Sindhu'
Answer= Sapata - Sindhu is the land of seven rivers - namely Sindhu ( Indus , Ravi , Beas , Satluj , Jhelum , Chenab and Saraswati.
What is know as 'Sapata - Sindhu'
What is know as 'Sapata - Sindhu'


What is known as BHAGAVAD -GITA.

Question= What is known as BHAGAVAD -GITA.
Answer= The BHAGAVAD - GITA, which forms a part of the Mahabharata , is one of the most popular religious text considered scared by many people in India. It teaches that the soul is immortal.
What is known as BHAGAVAD -GITA.
What is known as BHAGAVAD -GITA.


What is meant by the Vedic Culture.

Question= What is meant by the Vedic Culture.
Answer= The culture of the period is referred to as the Vedic culture because it was based on the Vedic texts.
What is meant by the Vedic Culture.
What is meant by the Vedic Culture.


State the importance of each of the following.{b} Terracotta figuriness.

Question= State the importance of each of the following.{b} Terracotta figuriness.
Answer= [b] Terracotta figuriness= Among the male Gods the most significant is a three- faced diety wearing a honed dress, seated cross- logged on a throne and surrounded by an elephant a tiger, a buffalo and a rhinocerous, with two deer at his feet. The diety has been identified as Pashupati Mahadeva.
State the importance of each of the following.{b} Terracotta figuriness.
State the importance of each of the following.{b} Terracotta figuriness.


State the importance of each of the following.{a} Mother Goddess.

Question= State the importance of each of the following.{a} Mother Goddess.
Answer= [a] Mother Goddess= Indus people worshipped the Mother Goddess who bears some resembalance to the one that was workshipped in the Middle East and Europe. This is believed to represent the Goddess of earth and it was intemately connected with the origin and growth of plants. The Harappans, therefore looked upon the earth as the Goddess of fertility.
State the importance of each of the following.{a} Mother Goddess.
State the importance of each of the following.{a} Mother Goddess.


State two cheif features of residenital houses in Mohenjo- daro.

Question= State two cheif  features of residential houses in Mohenjo- daro.
Answer= The residential  building were built according to a set plan on a high mound in order to protect them from floods. Each house had covered drains, connected with steet drains.
State two cheif  features of residiental houses in Mohenjo- daro.
State two cheif  features of residiental houses in Mohenjo- daro.


In what two respects is Harrapns civilisation our heritage.

Question= In what two respects is Harrapns civilisation our heritage
Answer= One of the most remarkable achivement of the Harappan people was the civilisation of cotton. In the religioussphere the work ship of Pashupati Shiva , the female diety as Mother Goddess. Which were adopted in later Hinduism and some of them have continued to this day.
In what two respects is Harrapns civilisation our heritage.
In what two respects is Harrapns civilisation our heritage.


What is Great Bath.

Question= What is Great Bath.
Answer= Great Bath at Mohenjo- daro is massive structure which throws light on the life of the people and culture of the Harappan civilisation.
Most of the scolars agree that the Great Bath might have been used for relegious purpose. This indicates the important attached to ceremonial bathing in scared thanks, pools and rivers since time immemorial.
What is Great Bath.
What is Great Bath.


How do we say that the Harappan people had certain religious belief.

Question= How do we say that the Harappan people had certain religious belief.
Answer= In one of the figure a plant is shown growing out of the body of a woman. The Harappans, therefore, looked upon the earth as the Goddess or Fertility.
How do we say that the Harappan people had certain religious belief.
How do we say that the Harappan people had certain religious belief.


Name the type of dress of Indus Valley people.

Question= Name the type of dress of Indus Valley people.
Answer= The dress made of cotton.
Name the type of dress of Indus Valley people.
Name the type of dress of Indus Valley people.


What do you know about the Indus script.

Question= What do you know about the Indus script.
Answer= The script is found inscribed on a number of seals, copper tools, rims of jars, copper and terracotta tablets, jewellery and an ancient signboard.
What do you know about the Indus script.
What do you know about the Indus script.


Name one important public building of Indus Valley Civilisation and its importance.

Question= Name one important public building of Indus Valley Civilisation and its importance.
Answer= It is one of the largest public building at Mohenjo- daro these rooms were provide for the member of some kind of preisthood it was meant for some kind of ritual bath.
Name one important public building of Indus Valley Civilisation and its importance.
Name one important public building of Indus Valley Civilisation and its importance.


What type of weight and measure did the Indus people use.

Question= What type of weight and measure did the Indus people use.
Answer= The larger weight were multiple of 16 like 32, 48, 64, 128 and so on. The smaller ones were all fraction of 16.
What type of weight and measure did the Indus people use.
What type of weight and measure did the Indus people use.


What are known as Bronze Age civilisation.

Question= What are known as Bronze Age civilisation.
Answer= Man learnt the art of mixing copper with tin of zinc to produce the alloy called Bronze the importance of bronze in the growth of the first civilisation are known as the Bronze Age civilisation.
What are known as Bronze Age civilisation.
What are known as Bronze Age civilisation.


What is the term meant by civilisation.

Question= What is the term meant by civilisation.
Answer= Civilisation is defined as an advanced stage of human cultural development. It implies the use of superior technology and complex economic relationship.
What is the term meant by civilisation.
What is the term meant by civilisation.


What is derived unit.

Question= What is derived unit.
Answer= Derived unit are those which depends on the fundamental units or which can be expressed in term of the fundamental units.
What is derived unit.
What is derived unit.


What is symbols.


Science Great Stunts.


What is meant by estimation of physical quantities by its order of magnitude. give one example.

Question= What is meant by estimation of physical quantities by its order of magnitude. give one example.
Answer= The order of magnitude of physical quantity is its magnitude in power of ten when that physical quantity is expressed in power of ten digit to the left of decimal.


what is unit.

Question= What is unit.
Answer= Unit is the quantity of a constant magnitude which is used to measure the magnitude of other quantities of the same nature.


Candle power.


What is measurement.

Question= What is measurement.
Answer= Measurement is the process of comparison of the given physical quantity with the known standard of the same nature.


What is gases.

Question= What is gases.
Answer= Gases have least density, are highly compressible and have no free surface.
What is gases.
What is gases.


What is liquid

Question= What is liquid.
Answer= Liquid have a definite mass and volume but not definite shape and are less rigid. They can flow and take up the shape of the container in which they are stored liquid have comparatively  less density, are very slightly compressible and have one upper surface.
What is liquid.
What is liquid.


What is solid.

Question= What is solid.
Answer= Solid have a definite mass, volume and shape and are highly rigid. They cannot flow, have high density, are very almost in compressible and have any number of free surface.
What is solid.
What is solid.



Answer= Tnterconversion of matter involves- change of matter from one state to another and back to its origional state. It is affected by change in condition such as temperature pressure etc.


Describe with the help of a diagram - londolts Experiment to illustrate the law of conservation of mass. Given two other example or experiment proofs to illustrate the law.

Question= Describe with the help of a diagram - londolts Experiment to illustrate the law of conservation of mass. Given two other example or experiment proofs to illustrate the law.
Answer= Conclusion: The weight remained the same.
     Nacl + AgNo3= Agcl + NaNo3.
[23+35.5] [108+14+48] [108+3.5.5] [23=14+48]  [228.5.]
     Total mass of reactants= Total mass products.
Question= Describe with the help of a diagram - londolts Experiment to illustrate the law of conservation of mass. Given two other example or experiment proofs to illustrate the law.
 Describe with the help of a diagram - londolts Experiment to illustrate the law of conservation of mass. Given two other example or experiment proofs to illustrate the law.


Explain what are absolute and relative referencing.

Question= Explain what are absolute and relative referencing.
Answer= In case you don't want Excel to adjust references when you copy a formula to a different cell you can use a absolute reference.


How is erasing or clearing cell different from deleating cell.

Question= How is erasing or clearing cell different from deleating cell.
Answer= When you clear, you can remove the cell content [ formula and data ], format [ including number formats, text, formats, and borders.]
{1} Select the cell, rows, or columns or group of cell want to clear.
{2} On the Edit menu, point to clear, and the click all contents, formats, or comments.


How can the content of cell be moved.

Question= How can the contents of cell be moved.
Answer= To move cell or range of cell you can either use the dragging method, if the distance between the current location and target location is less, or use the cut and paste method to and from the clipboard, if the distance between current and target location is long.


Write the step you would follow while creating a chart in MS Excel.

Question= Write the step you would follow while creating  a chart in MS Excel.
Answer= In the standard toolbar click or chart wizard button.
! A dialog box appears select the chart type click next.
! Enter the label in x axis and y axis click next.
! Specify the chart location and click finish your chart is prepared.
Write the step you would follow while creating a chart in MS Excel.
Write the step you would follow while creating a chart in MS Excel.


Define Fields, Records, Table, Primary key.

Question= Define the following. {1} Field. {2} Records. {3} Table. {4} Primary key.
Answer= {1} Field= Fields are the columns of a table, containing one type of information know as fields.
{2} Record= Record is a row in a table, a collection of all fields relating to one person, place or thing occuping a single row of a table known as record.
{3} Table= Table is a collection of records with one record occpuing a single row known as table.
{4} Primary key= Primary key is a field that uniquely identifies a record in a table. It has to be unique for each record is know as record.
Define Fields, Records, Table, Primary key.
Define Fields, Records, Table, Primary key.


What is the different fields level and records level validation rule.

Question= What is the difference field level and record level validation rule.
Answer= {1} Field level.= Field are columns of the table, contain one type of information.
{2} Record level.= Record is a row in a table a collection of all field relating to one person, place or thing occuping a single row of table.


What is DBMS. give a few example of DBMS software.

Question= What is DBMS . Give a few examples of DBMS software.
Answer= Database Managment system ( DBMS ) is a collection of programs that enables you to store, modify and extract information from a database.
Example- {1} Computerized library system.
{2} Automated teller machines.
What is DBMS. give a few example of DBMS software.
What is DBMS. give a few example of DBMS software.


What is database . Give a few example of the database.

Question= What is database. Give the few example of the database.
Answer= A database is a collection of information. We see database in everyday life- your phone is a database, as is the card . Example- {1} A telephone directory.
{2} T.V . Guide.


Describe three ways in which a person could gain unauthorised access to information stored in computer.

Question= Describe thee ways in which a person could gain unauthorised access to information stored in computer.
Answer= The thee ways in which a person could gain unauthorised access to information stored in computer are:
{1} Hacking.
{2} Fraud on the Internet.
{3} Theft of Data.


What is the significance of slide master.

Question= What is the significance of slide master.
Answer= It controls the background colour and certain special effects, such as shadouring and bullet styple. the slide master contain text placeholders and placeholder for footers, such as the date, time, and slide number.


What are the components of slide.

Question= What are the components of slide.
Answer= {1} Title.
{2} Subtitle.
{3} Drawing objects.
{4} Clip Art.
{5} Charts.


What is outline view.

Question= What is outline view.
Answer= Slide in outline view show only main text is shown graphics and chart etc is not show.


What is Animation in slide show.

Question= What is Animation in slide show.
Answer= Special sound and visual effects that is added to text or other objects in the slide is called Animation.


Name some websites that offers E-mail services.

Question = Name some websites that offers E- mail services
Answer = Some free E-mail sites, Where you can open your E-mail account are given below:
{1} Yahoo mail: http:// WWW. Yahoo. com.
{2} Hotmail: http :// WWW. Hotmail . com.
{3} Rediff mail: http:// WWW. Rediff . com
{4} Google: http:// WWW . Gmail . com.


What is the format of an. E-mail Address. Give an example.

Question = What is the format of an E-mail Address. Give an example.
Answer = The format of an E-mail will be username @ Server. domain.
      Here is an example of an E-mail Address: Puneet Verma @ Hotmail. com.
      The E-mail Address has three parts:
{1} The user name [Puneet Verma in the example above.]
[2} An "at" sign [@.]
{3} The address of hte user's mail server [ Hotmail .com in the example above. ]


What is the URL of a website.

Question= What is the URL of a website.
Answer= URL addresses have 2 parts:
{1} A part specifying the method of file access.
{2} A part specifying the Internet location of the file to be accessed.


What is desktop in window. What is window and icon.

Question= What is desktop in window. What is window and icon.
Answer= Desktop is the window workspace or screen upon which the icons and windows are displayed. An icon is a graphical symbol, which represent a window elements like file, folder or shortcut.
                      A window is a rectangular area in which an application or a document or a dialog many open.


What are the two ways of exploring your computer. Write a note on many computer

Question= What are the two ways of exploring your computer. Write a note on many computer.
Answer= The two major ways of exploring our computer are.
{1} My computer.
{2} Windows Explorer.


What are navigation tools aviable in window

Question= what are navigational tools avialable in window
Answer= The navigational tool are:
{1} Back.
{2} Forward.
{3} Page up.
{4} Page down.
{5} Vertical.
{6} Horizontal scroll box.


How can a file be deleted from a computer

Question=How can a file be deleted from a computer.
Answer=  {1} Select the file you want to delete
{2} On the file menu, Click delete.
{3} The confirm file delete dialog box appears click yes. The file is moved to the Recycle Bin.


What are the features of Window operating system that makes it a popular and powerful operating syeswtem

Question= What are the features of Window operating system that makes it a popular and powerful operating system
Answer= {1} Microsoft Window is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based operating system. The user need not write commands or instruction to the computer as in Dos, instead all the operating can be performed using the Graphical Interface provided by MS windows
{2} Multi-tasking operating system.
MS Window is a Multi-tasking operating system, I.E two or more application can run simultaneously on it
{3} Easier to use.
Navigation around your computer is easier than ever, thanks to destop option, such as single-clicking to open file and the addition of browse buttons (Back, Forward etc.)in every Window.
{4} More Reliable.
MS Window tool can help you regularly test your Hard Disk and check your system file-and even automatically fix some problems.
{5} Faster.
Windows and programs open faster than ever before, By using the Maintenance wizards, you can easily improve your Computer's speed and efficiency.


What is window What are the types of window

Question=What is a window? What are the types of window
Answer=MS window is an operating system which is user-friendly Graphical User Interface {GUI} and facilities  Multi-tasking unlike Dos which is GUI, and can do one task at a time
=Types of Window
1} Application window,
2} Document window and
3} Dialog box window


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