Corona Updates Last 7 Days

What heppend when we Stay Home in last seven days?

1. March 21st (283 cases) 
    March 22nd (396 cases)
    Increase by 39.92 %

2. March 22nd (396 cases) 
    March 23rd (468 cases)
    Increase by 18.18 %

3. March 23rd (468 cases) 
    March 24th (566 cases)
    Increase by  23.43 %

4. March 24th (566 cases) 
    March 25th ( 645 cases)
    Increase by  13.95 %

5. March 25th (645 cases) 
    March 26th (720 cases)
    Increase by just 11.62 %

6. March 26th (720 cases)
    March 27th (833 cases)
    Increase by 15.69%

7. March 27th (833 cases)
    March 28th (933 cases)
    Increase by 12.00%


Coronavirus ( COVID 19)

What is coronavirus?  (COVID-19)

Coronavirus is the name of a family of viruses that have a crown-shaped structure.  The new coronavirus agent was discovered on 13th December, 2019 after cases registered in Wuhan, China.  It causes the disease called coronavirus (COVID-19). The first human coronaviruses were isolated for the first time in 1937. However, it was in 1965 that the virus was described as coronavirus, due to the profile under microscopy, looking like a crown. Most people become infected with common coronaviruses throughout their lives, with young children being more likely to become infected with the most common type of virus.